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The History of Silk And Long Silk Robe

Views: 321     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-12-01      Origin: Site


Robes have a lengthy and illustrious history that spans thousands of years throughout the world. The introduction of silk, the crucial role that robes played among Chinese peasants and governing classes alike, and China's cultural influence throughout Eastern Asia make Chinese gown history particularly interesting. Here are the main points of this article:

1. The history of silk

2. The history of long silk robe

1. The history of silk

Silk has been created in China in the third millennium B.C.E. when it was discovered. Silk was first reserved only for the ruling emperor after it was discovered. Silk was eventually made available to China's elite classes, and then to the general public. The popularity of silk skyrocketed. After being exposed to the glories of silk, other East Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam developed a fascination for it. Silk was trafficked along the Silk Road, which began in the 2nd century B.C.E. and ended in the 2nd century A.D.

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2. The history of long silk robe

Only a small percentage of men still wear long silk robes, which is a sad state of affairs. Due to a lack of demand over the last few decades, just a few manufacturers remain that produce high-quality long silk robes. The wrap-around shawl collar is found on the vast majority of gowns today. Only the most costly off-the-rack long silk robes have velvet lapels and cuffs, as well as other opulent details. Of course, bespoke is always a possibility, and any skilled shirt maker should be able to design a lovely long silk robe, but it is quite pricey.

A long silk robe for men can easily be traced back to the seventeenth century. Due to their Eastern origin and Oriental cut, this long silk robe was frequently referred to as an Indian or Persian long silk robe. It was akin to a kimono. Long silk robes did not have buttons and were instead worn with a sash, just the way they do today. Long silk robes, on the other hand, have frogged button closures, which are presently prevalent on Smoking Jackets. Long silk robes proved to be particularly suitable for the gentleman's morning and evening toilette in the nineteenth century. The long silk robe had mostly evolved into its modern shape by the 1860s, with a wide rolling shawl collar that stretched almost to the waist and a string or sash.

Because central heating was still a rare luxury at the turn of the twentieth century, long silk robes were largely functional and important for staying warm at home. By the mid-twenties, a fashion-conscious guy was almost as concerned with selecting his long silk robe as he was with selecting his overcoat.

Beauty Plus Co., Ltd, a professional silk clothing manufacturer based in Hangzhou, China, was founded in 2015. BeautyPlus specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of silk-based goods. We are committed to being one of the leading one-stop silk products suppliers as a professional silk garments factory. Beauty Plus sources the best silk fabric conducts the toughest on-site quality control and reduces production costs by relying on Hangzhou's most complete silk industrial chain. If you are interested in the silk robes, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@customsilkfabrics.com.

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