Views: 322 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-11-22 Origin: Site
Silk, an old fabric, was once reserved for the affluent. You may now construct a silk dress that you can wear all year. Silk is a simple fabric to work with and wear. For softly draping designs, sew silk chiffon, muslin, crepe, charmeuse, and gauze. To provide substance, layer lightweight silk with shantung, organza, and taffeta. For fitted or structured looks, use heavier weight and nubby silks. Learn how to sew with silk to get fantastic results. Here are the main points:
1. Cut silk with well-sharpened scissors.
2. Carefully pin silk.
3. Instead of using silk thread, use polyester thread.
Unless your scissors and cutting equipment are razor-sharp, silk's microscopic threads will pull and clump. Each time you cut a new silk cloth, use a new rotary cutter blade. Sharpen scissors and fabric shears on a regular basis to prevent gorgeous silk dress from being ruined during the cutout step. Only ever cut a single layer of silk at a time. The delicate, silky texture of silk can cause the fabric to slip and slide as you cut. Align the cloth grain with the cutting table and your pattern. To stabilize very fine silk, use a stiff piece of paper on your cutting table. Place the silk fabric on top of the rolled-out paper on your cutting table. For this task, butcher or clean packing paper works great.
Pinholes appear later on fine silks. Pin the fabric against the seam allowance's an inside edge. When marking fabric with chalk, use caution. In The Sewing Answer Book, author Barbara Weiland Talbert recommends using tailor tacks to prevent leaving any stains or residues. Make a double length of thread in a visible color and remove it after the dress is finished.
Silk thread may be overly heavy when sewing very delicate silk. For the best silks, use 200/3 polyester thread. Sewing thread should be the same weight as silk. When sewing delicate silk dress, use a little needle as well. Use the smallest needle you can find: an 8 in US sizes or a 60 in European sizes. To weave silk, use Schmetz Universal needles for silk or Microtex needles.
Before opening the seam, press it on all sides. The fabric threads and your stitching mesh together with the heat of your iron to create a stunning couture-worthy outcome. To avoid scorching delicate silk dress with an iron, always use a soft piece of silk as a press cloth. While pressing silk takes a medium to high heat, utilizing a press cloth protects your dress while it's being made.
Beauty Plus Co., Ltd, a professional silk clothing manufacturer based in Hangzhou, China, was founded in 2015. BeautyPlus specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of silk-based goods. We are committed to being one of the leading one-stop silk products suppliers as a professional silk garments factory. Beauty Plus sources the best silk fabric conducts the toughest on-site quality control and reduces production costs by relying on Hangzhou's most complete silk industrial chain. If you are interested in the silk dress, don’t hesitate to contact us at